If you are having trouble writing an essay about obstacles, here are some steps that you can follow to help you get started:


  1. First, think about the specific obstacle that you want to write about. What is it, and how has it affected you or someone else that you know?
  2. Next, consider the broader context in which the obstacle has occurred. What broader issues or themes does it relate to, and how does it fit into the broader scheme of things?
  3. Once you have a clear understanding of the obstacle and its context, start brainstorming ideas for your essay. What do you want to say about the obstacle, and what evidence or examples can you use to support your points?
  4. Once you have some ideas, start organizing them into an outline. This will help you ensure that your essay has a clear structure and flows logically from one point to the next.
  5. Begin writing your essay, following your outline as a guide. Be sure to include an introduction that provides some background on the obstacle and explains why it is important or interesting.
  6. In the body of your essay, provide detailed examples and evidence to support your points. Use specific details and anecdotes to make your writing come alive and to help readers understand the obstacle from your perspective.
  7. Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and explaining how the obstacle has affected you or others, and what can be done to overcome it.

Remember, writing about obstacles can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. By focusing on a specific obstacle and using examples and evidence to support your points, you can craft a compelling and thought-provoking essay.


  1. Obstacles are a natural part of life that everyone must face at some point. They can be small and insignificant, or they can be large and overwhelming. Despite their size or significance, obstacles present a challenge that must be overcome in order to move forward and achieve success.

    One common obstacle that many people face is fear. Fear can hold us back from taking risks, trying new things, or reaching for our goals. It can prevent us from pursuing our passions and living the life we want. In order to overcome fear, we must face it head-on and take action despite our fears. This may mean seeking out support from others, challenging ourselves to try new things, or setting small, achievable goals to gradually build confidence.

    Another obstacle that many people encounter is a lack of motivation. Without motivation, it can be difficult to maintain focus and dedication towards achieving our goals. In order to overcome this obstacle, we must identify the reasons why we lack motivation and work to address them. This may involve setting clear goals and objectives, finding a source of inspiration or support, or breaking large tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

    In addition to fear and lack of motivation, financial challenges can also present a significant obstacle. Whether it is struggling to make ends meet, paying off debt, or saving for a major purchase, financial difficulties can be stressful and overwhelming. To overcome this obstacle, it is important to create a realistic budget, seek out professional financial advice, and develop a plan for managing and reducing debt.

    Ultimately, overcoming obstacles requires determination, persistence, and a willingness to face challenges head-on. By taking action and working towards our goals, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve success in our lives.


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